"I killed a man before I turned six. Today I`m turning ninety-two. It is autumn. In the stillness of the street, the chestnut trees lazily relinquish their leaves. At the end of the century in wich my time was fated to flow with a memory bloodied from the very beginning.""The Migration" ... |
Кин Зен пътува на звездния кораб „Вояджър", който проучва далечни галактики. Когато корабът каца на неизследвана планета, Кин е част от екипа, който има за задача да търси нови форми на живот. Астронавтите успяват да заловят странно изглеждащо извънземно същество, но скоро става ясно, че създанието притежава способности, надхвърлящи тези на хората, които го държат в плен. Кой или какво контролира кораба?Дали Кин не държи отговора за оцеляването на неговия екипаж? Заглавието е част от атрактивна поредица от оригинални книги за четене, написани специално за учениците в 8. клас, които изучават интензивно английски език. ... |
Imagine you could hide a secret. Forever. The breakout sensation of the year. ... Emmett Farmer is a binder's apprentice. His job is to hand-craft beautiful books and, within each, to capture something unique and extraordinary: a memory. If you have something you want to forget, or a secret to hide, he can bind it - and you will never have to remember the pain it caused. In a vault under his mentor's workshop, row upon row of books - and secrets - are meticulously stored and recorded. Then one day Emmett makes an astonishing discovery: one of the volumes has his name on it."Truly spellbinding". ... |
They call them the Unadoptables but families come in all shapes and sizes. The remarkable. The extraordinary. The brave. Way back in the autumn of 1880, five babies are discovered at the Little Tulip Orphanage in most unusual circumstances. Those babies are Lotta, Egbert, Fenna, Sem and Milou. The vile matron calls the children "the unadoptables" but this talented gang of best friends know that their individuality is what makes them so special - and so determined to stay together. When a sinister gentleman tries to get them in his clutches, the children make a daring escape across the frozen canals of ... |
Retold by Sue Arengo. ... Find out what happens when Town Mouse comes to the country and Country Mouse goes to the town... Children love stories. Bring the magic of good storytelling into your classroom with Classic Tales, and they'll love their English lessons too. This edition of the award-winning series uses traditional tales to bring English to life through more than 30 beautifully illustrated stories. Word Count: 662. ... |
Декоративната хартия с мотиви от серията The Nutcracker на Stamperia може да превърне старите вещи в приказна украса за дома или в невероятен подарък за близък човек. Оризовата хартия може да се използва изцяло или да се изрежат определени елементи от нея, които най-добре пасват на вашия проект. Работата с този продукт е по-лесна и удобна, отколкото с илюстрации от списания или принтирани цветни изображения. Предимствата на този вид хартия се крият в нейната здравина и гъвкавост. Тя може да се положи върху различни предмети изработени от дърво, пластмаса, метал, картон или стъкло, без значение дали повърхността им е ... |
Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell. We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that's barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe - at least ... |
Клещите са изработени от висококачествена неръждаема стомана и са с никелово покритие. Специалистите на "Magnum" препоръчват този инструмент за рязане на по-твърди и дебели нокти на краката, тъй като остриетата могат да се отварят на около 2 cm. Остриетата са прецизно наточени, леко извити и са със заострени върхове, което помага за обработка на враснали нокти. Дължината на дръжките (приблизително 8 cm) дава допълнителна якост и сила на рязане. Те имат релефна повърхност, която осигурява по стабилен захват и не позволява лесно изплъзване от ръката. Дължината на целия инструмент е около 12 cm. Серията " ... |
Historical novel. ... The historical plot encompasses the period between 1840 and 1885. The crossing of the paths of people of different nationalities knits together the entire novel. Bulgarians, Romanians and Serbs support each other in their struggle for independence. They meet diplomats and the kings of European monarchies in order to obtain entreaties and favorable attitude towards nascent Bulgarian uprising and the Serbian-Turkish War. And so the geographical borders of the novel prove to be infinite. Britain with its "eternal and perpetual interests", is portrayed; France, torn apart by internal ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Utterly unique and beloved around the world, "The Prophet" is a collection of twenty-six poetic essays by the Lebanese artist, philosopher and writer Kahlil Gibran. Telling the story of the prophet Al-Mustafa and his conversations with various acquaintances as he returns home after a long absence, the book touches on subjects of universal concern, including love, friendship, passion, pain, religion and freedom. Thought-provoking, comforting and wise, the simple truths of "The Prophet" remain compelling and rewarding to this day. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Homer's great epic, "The Odyssey", is perhaps Western literature's first adventure story, and certainly remains one of its finest. It describes King Odysseus of Ithaca's epic, ten-year quest to return home after the Trojan War. He encounters giants, sorceresses, sea-monsters and sirens, while his wife Penelope is forced to resist the suitors who besiege her on Ithaca. Both an enchanting fairy tale and a gripping drama, "The Odyssey" is immensely influential. This "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition uses a ... |